Sunday, November 16, 2008

New Poll

So, when we went to the shelter and got our new bunny, he already had a name. Silverado. Neither of us are thrilled with the name. But he knows it and his vet knows it and the people at the shelter know it. It's obviously his name. One of us prefers Silverado. One of us prefers Silver. Neither of us like Rado, but it made me laugh to put it on the poll. We are at stalemate.
Please vote in the poll.


Trina said...

I say keep his "official" name the same, but give him a bunch of fun nicknames. All of my critter babies have at least 5 nicknames, and they know them.

Palmiro Poltronieri said...

thank you for leaving a message on my blog,
Rado looks like a slav name, meaning Happy (Radost=happyness)rad'=lovely,
Nice readings also from your other blog too!